Thursday, June 7, 2012


Welcome to my Blog!  Here you will find stories about my life, tutorials for sewing/quilting and fun activities for kiddos. 

My daughter, Brianna, has just turned 2 and she is as fun as can be!  Currenlty we are in the process of Potty Training so I may have a post regarding the trials and tribulations of the Potty Training experience (with managing the TMI, of course).  Some fun activities that I will post tutorials about are things like yesterday we made homemade finger paints together.  I have found some really incredible and fun projects to do with her so I plan of documenting them to share.   

In 2004, I moved to Greeley, Colorado and I graduated from UNC with a Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science: with emphasis in Athletic Training.  After graduating I did sit for the National Certification test, therefore I am nationally certified for Athletic Training.  During the summer I get to spend all week with my wonderful daughter, while over the weekends I work various sports tournaments as an Athletic Trainer. An awesome part of my summer is that I do get to work with my Dad, who is a soccer referee, which I think is pretty cool.  When schooltime hits I work as an Athletic Trainer at a high school, where I still get to spend the better part of my day raising my daughter. 

While living in Greeley, I graduated from UNC, got married (2007), had a little girl and found a great job.  I also picked up sewing/quilting this past year and have loved it!  It started by wanting to find a unique Christmas gift for my daughter, I stumbled across a blanket that was made of old recieving blankets and thought it was amazing. Over the summertime I found lots of old recieving blankets at garage sales so that I could practice before I decided to cut up all of Brianna's blankets.  Then last October my parents purchased a simple sewing machine and I have been on a mission to create wonderful pieces and find new things!  

My whole life I have loved to create things!  Everything from childhood bracelet making, decorating my entire wedding and painting my daughters room.  Sewing and quilting has fit perfectly into my life as well as creating fun projects with my 2 year old daughter.  Getting to create with my daughter, as well as for my daughter, is definitely the most rewarding part of my life, then comes creating gifts for my family including my new nephew and second cousins.   

I hope that you enjoy my blog and come back soon for some fun stuff, tutorials and more!

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