Thursday, July 2, 2015

I am Back!

Hello Everybody,

First I would like to apologize for the long hiatus that I have taken from my blog.  The past few years have seemed like a crazy, out of control Roller-Coaster!

A brief (I cannot promise anything) explanation of the past few years goes as follows. It started with my husband deciding to start his own Locksmith business, this started the chain which meant moving approximately 90 miles away from the first home that we purchased together.  It started with him moving in with my parents, then my daughter and I followed short after.  During the time of living with my parents we received some pretty devastating news, I am unable to have any more children.  I was diagnosed with a condition called Premature Ovarian Insufficiency, which basically means that I will hit menopause faster than my body should.  With this news we also found out that conceiving my daughter (now 5 years old) was pretty much a miracle, this the pain of knowing that she will be our only child and we decided that we are going to make her life the best life possible (and spoil the daylights out of her).  The next event was making the move into our own place, a cute little rental to call our own.  Last September I changed jobs and with this current job I have a lot of freedom which I am incredibly grateful for.  Things are finally settling down, just in time for us to have made the decision to find a house to purchase. 

Now that things have settled down a little bit I am going to try to pay more attention to my blog and create more blog posts.  I will try to remember to take pictures of my projects and also take pictures of the project process so that I can add more tutorials to my blog.   My goal for this summer (since work is a little slow) is to try to create both blog posts but also create some "stock" for upcoming craft shows. 

Some things that you can look forward to include: Quilting, Sewing and Crocheting projects, along with children’s projects and recipes.

Thanks for stopping by!